SEIU 513 members stand together with a banner that reads “with liberty and justice for all” with a multicolored flag including brown, black, trans flag colors and the rainbow.

Pride 2023

Juneteenth 2023

Unions Work for the Working Class!

SEIU Local 513 Members stand together in front of an information table at ICT Open Streets NOMAR.

Unions are what happen when Working Class People come together to fight for a better workplace. The modern American workweek and the benefits that come with it (Weekends, Overtime, Insurance Benefits and more!) are thanks to Union Members that have fought for better pay and working conditions.

In the modern day, Unions across the country and the world are continuing the fight to ensure Working Class People have a voice.

Here in Kansas, SEIU Local 513 represents 3,500 employees including:

  • USD 259 Classified and Security

  • City of Wichita Public Workers

  • City of Hutchinson Public Workers

  • Rolling Hills Zookeepers in Salina

  • Loud Light Workers United

  • District 70 Staff

As a Member, you have the power to make change happen!

United We Bargain, Divided You Beg!

Kansas is a “Right-to-Work” state, meaning that if you are not in a Union, you can be fired at anytime for any reason or no reason at all, so long as it’s non-discriminatory/non-retaliatory (per KS DOL).

Without a Union, your employer is also not obligated to give you:

  • Certification or Education Pay

  • Paid Parental Leave

  • Vacation Time

  • Severance Pay

  • Longevity Pay

  • Raises

  • Breaks

  • Sick Time

  • Holiday Pay

  • Insurance Benefits

  • Shift Differential

Your contract is what guarantees you better working conditions and compensation.

Unions break down the Employer-to-Employee power dynamic and lift up employees onto equal footing. Instead of being at the mercy of your supervisor’s decisions like non-unionized workers, Union Members and Represented Employees have the right to collective bargaining and thus, a legally binding Union contract.